Hello world!
I never post to this blog anymore. But I've got something important going on, so I might as well post something. So, if you know me, you already know I'm getting married very soon! I'm happy and excited and kind of nervous. I feel like I'm really lucky to be with someone who's so amazing and wonderful.
Walt Kelly's Pogo animation
Here's an unfinished Pogo animation by Walt Kelly.
It would have been great to see a finished product.
Here's a storyboard version with some additional scenes.
Good idea? Bad idea?

It seems like private sector companies aren't creating jobs because people aren't buying anything. People aren't buying anything because there's no jobs. This could be an endless cycle. But, what if the public sector creates temporary jobs like building high speed rail in FL (for example). That puts money in the hands of normal working people. They go out and buy things at privately owned businesses. Businesses see people are buying more, so they create permanent private sector jobs. When that happens, phase out the public sector jobs. Cons: Temporary gov't spending. Pros: Create jobs, get high speed rail.
Just an idea.
Papa Rat, See?
I just had a new business venture idea: Red Carpet For Hire. Are you incredibly vain? Do you want pictures of yourself on a red carpet surrounded by photographers? Call us and we'll send a group of people with cameras and a red carpet to satiate your narcissism! You can post the photos all over facebook and twitter! Make people think you're important even though you're not! Call now!